We Offer many more services.
We don't just do Fiberglass decks we also do the following:
About Us
We Prestige are a small business with that works with all of Atlantic County and sometime out of the county. We work with all kinds of things like roofing and rails so don't let the name fool you and assume we only do Fiberglass Decks. We strive to make whatever we do the best look and the best quality. Fiberglass has been with us for a long time now. We have done some renaming and redesigning from here to there, but we have still stayed true to our goal, to offer the best!
Why Choose us.
We Prestige believe that we are a great company that you can both work with and one you can rely on! We have done hundreds of jobs and have always tried our best to give you your dream decks by the shore or really anywhere you may desire. We have done small decks on the first floor to an enormous building multiple decks on the 3rd floor. We do them all at a price that's right and reasonable for you!
As you may assume we mainly specialize in Fiberglass decks. We repair decks to your desire or if necessary, replace the deck itself. As you may see in the 1st image below it was almost necessary that it needed to be replaced before a soul could stand on that deck. On the second image you can see how the deck turned out after we removed, replaced, re-coated, repainted.

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Prestige Fiberglass LLC
We Prestige are a small business with that works with all of Atlantic County and sometime out of the county. We work with all kinds of things like roofing and rails so don't let the name fool you and assume we only do Fiberglass Decks. We strive to make whatever we do the best look and the best quality. Fiberglass has been with us for a long time now. We have done some renaming and redesigning from here to their but we have still stayed true to our goal, to offer the best!
We don't just do Fiberglass decks we also do the following:
Vinyl Railing
Power Wash
Interior Painting
Concrete and Pavers
Drywall Repairs
We remove and add walls
Rubber Roofing

Our location
Pleasantville, New Jersey
Contact Us today.
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